The increasing complexity of computer systems has led to the automation of administration functions, in the form of\r\nautonomic managers. Today many autonomic managers are available but they mostly address a specific\r\nadministration aspect which makes necessary their coexistence for a complete autonomic system management.\r\nHowever, coordinating them is necessary for proper and effective global administration. Such coordination can be\r\nconsidered as a problem of synchronization and logical control of managers actions. We therefore investigate the use\r\nof reactive models with events and states, and discrete control techniques to solve this problem. This paper presents\r\nan application of the latter approach for coordinating autonomic managers addressing resource optimization, in the\r\nperspective of green computing. The managers control server provisioning (self-sizing manager) and CPU frequency\r\n(Dvfs manager), and the coordination controller controls the managers actions so as to avoid incoherent\r\nmanagement decisions. The coordination controller is designed using synchronous programming and Discrete\r\ncontroller synthesis (DCS) which are well-suited for the design of reactive systems. Experimental results are presented\r\nto evaluate the efficacy of the approach.